Monday, March 17, 2008

0870 numbers

Am I the only person who is experiencing this in the UK? I doubt it.

Join something e.g. hotel chocolat or the National Trust - be with them for some time.

Then change address.

Of course you pay for mail forwarding with the Royal Mail

Let everyone know you have changed address.

And then find out the mail forwarding only works intermittently - when Royal Mail decide to do it and not when mail is sent to you - if you have mail forwarding via the Royal Mail send yourself something to check if it comes back to you ... you know it won't ;)

And then find out all these organisations are *still* sending your membership and every thing else to your old address and of course, because Royal Mail isn't doing what you paid them for - you aren't getting the mail.

Most of these organisations use 0870 numbers because they get a kick back out of you ringing them. It's a revenue stream for them. You could use saynoto0870 to check if a geographical number is available. This is useful because you pay less and, if you have free minutes on your mobile, you can use your mobile to ring them.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

oh well so much for that then

I started smoking again in August but I have converted to smoking roll-ups i.e. hand made cigarettes and I use a filter. Apparently there are less chemicals in roll ups.

However, the twinge to give up is starting again. The smell, the cost - these are both getting to me.

Popped into the shops today and bought a few items, including tobacco, cigratte papers and the filters to use with them. If I hadn't been buying those those last three items the cost would have been slashed by two thirds.

Perhaps it's time to get on the wagon again.

Had a lot go on in real life since my last post. Hence the absence.

Good to be back.