Monday, February 27, 2006

Wherever you are it's always worse somewhere else

I watch Middle Eastern politics. I'm not Jewish, nor Palestinian and I have no interests in the area other than it's a newsworthy topic. It is such a troubled place. This blog in the Guardian today gives an idea of what life is like there.

The same woman blogs on here too.

I wonder whether Yousuf will survive and what he will think of the world if and when he comes away from such a place. In his future, how will he be able to integrate into a modern society which doesn't have the problems he is growing up in?

It's easy to see how, years down the line, the Intifada still grows. And that's how all things as the Israel/Palestinian conflict develop and influence us all for generations to come.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

I feel so much better

Today I did something stupid and posted something where I shouldn't have.

Fortunately the attachment didn't get through but the body of the message did. I still feel a complete plonker about it. I feel sure it will come back to haunt me.

However, I sensed schadenfreude when I read of someone who has deleted their kernel.

Not that I haven't done such a thing in the past myself. Managed to tar over my kernel. Which is effectively similar.

Accidents happen, so get a life. The thing is to manage to save one self from them.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Motherboard

is an ASUS A7V333 PCB Rev 1.04 and, according to Asus's faq in the support section of their site, this board doesn't support 1665MHz CPU frequency with a 333MHz FSB so I can only run this at 1250 MHz./260 MHz FSB.

Well that's all sorted then.

I had a look for new Socket A boards and found a cheap one with good reviews. Check costs and requirements while toddling along at 1250 I think.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

The BookCase Incident (edited)

Well, here I am again

I have been in the wars over the last month , damaging my ribs in a fall while out walking, and then having to rescue my workroom when a 6ft tall BookCase fell over.

That was a real nuisance. It's about 4.5ft or so wide and had thrown all the books, LPs and CDs around, now teetering over a 17" monitor and a box of research papers, divested of its load. I had to work my way through the room wreckage on one side and try and haul the BookCase back upright.

The BookCase kindly chose to dig into the wall and skirting board at the farthest corner from me it could manage. That really hurt, leaning over awkwardly lifting the BookCase off the wall and then the skirting board. I couldn't go to the middle of it, too much 'stuff' was lying between the monitor and the box of papers propping the thing up and moving anything from underneath it while it was in that position was a dangerous proposition.

So, BookCase up, I started picking up all the 'stuff' and transporting it to the living room. Books, CD's loudpseakers, LP'sm all manner of 'stuff' that gets put on BookCase shelves.

I had been thinking about reorganising the room out for a while. There was stuff everywhere and I could only move the seat a fraction even when the books, junk and BookCase where they should be. The time had come.

I got shot of that BookCase. I'd been thinking on doing it for a while and now seemed, apart from my ribs, as good a time as any. The BookCase had always leant forward far too much; it was far too unstable. It was an old freebie from someone moving to London. It had served its purpose.

I dismantled the BookCase and hauled all these pieces of metal BookCase up to the dump. The refuse management agents weren't going to lend a hand so I had to get it all in the metal only skip myself, ribs aching and all.

I moved the desk under the window, and found the LCD screen poor competition for the February sunlight. So I moved the desk again, against the wall with the sun to my right. There is still competition with the sunlight, when it streams in again so I still need a thicker curtain or blind.

The desk is a simple arrangement, a piece of paper maché from Ikea with wood blocks at each corner. measuring about 160x80cm. Cheap and it works. It carries books, teacups, the keyboard, mouse, printer, VDU and various other paraphenalia.

At the time of the BookCase Incident, I had all my machines in the room. I was working under the desk taking a good look round the motherboard of an Athlon XP 2k that was having heat problems running at 1667MHz, hunting for information on how to tweak the CPU speed in the manual which I was looking at on my laptop. The Athlon 2k box was opened but underneath the desk. The laptop was underneath the desk. I'd just gone through to feed the cat and make a cup of tea. The two BSD boxen were in slight disarray at the end of the desk but still going. Nothing dead, damaged nor disconnected. How lucky can you get?

Anyhow, little Miss FussyBoots here moved the desk round twice. That included moving all the machines and the laptop and the Athlon box.

I ordered some new fans, some silver thermal paste, more RAM and an LG DVD RAM for the overheating box and got on with moving stuff in and out of the room.

I had lost a place to put the books but had a cupboard which I emptied of cardboard boxes and polystyrene. I decided my computers, CD player and other stuff could move without their packaging next time I have to move. The packing cases had to go. I was fed up with running stuff up the dump, getting in and out of the car hurt, picking stuff up and throw it in the right skips and my ribs were hurting badly so I decided the cardboard could go in the recycling bins downstairs. I filled a wheelie bin of that up and added the polystyrene to the weekly household rubbish.

All the paperwork and books went there and with the new desk placement I can get to them easily. Initially I put the LPs in there, but when I sat down in the living room, I looked over at my bureau and decided the fun stuff in the bottom of there could go in the work room and the LPs could go where they were because the LP's were a fun thing and the stuff in the boxes was a work thing. So I gave myself a piece of extra work, moving the LP's twice.

The BookCase Incident happened on Monday. By the Thursday I couldn't move and was really fed up with the mess and the pain. My Mum phoned. Friday my case fans arrived so I put those in. Flowers arrived Saturday and I ran the box for 8 hours straight until the motherboard's thermal cutout kicked in.

The other parts for the Athlon box arrived on Monday. The old CPU fan came off more easily than I expected and the new one went on with a very generous dollop of the silver thermal paste. I had been worried about replacing that fan but got plenty of debate and advice in a chatroom, #linuxchics on I got the methylated spirits from the garage to clean the base of the new heatsink and cleaned the top of the CPU very carefully. At this moment, I have a bottle of meths on the table but it will be put under the kitchen sink or back in the garage very soon.

My sound, which I had got working just before the BookCase Incident, isn't working now.
I am considering a sound card instead of the onboard chip, a C-Media chip which Suse 9.2 identifies as C-Media PCI CMI8738. I have no clue what this means.

The new RAM didn't like working with the old RAM so I am using just the new stick. That doubles my memory capacity. I'll see how it goes.

The fans are definitely working. The CPU fan is very quiet and the only noise I can hear from all three of them is a low buzz but I can also hear the hard disk and feel moving air near them. One of the old fans had been making a bit of a noise; probably the bearings wearing out. I also suspect the old case fans were on the wrong way, pulling air into the box instead of out. I can feel air movement when I put my hand to the bays at the top of the machine and it's cold air. The new fans are pulling air through, the new CPU fan with it's sexy heatsink using that convection to conduct the heat away from the CPU and drive the warmer air out.

The CPU cooler is a drop dead gorgeous Speeze VultureSpin and that heatsink is very Krell.

I am concerned about the top case fan because that abuts the secondary IDE connector and ribbon. I wonder how long the 80-pin IDE cable will hold up against any fan vibration.

So, how's your week been?